
Es werden Posts vom April, 2018 angezeigt.


International migration  Economic & Social Affairs On 19 September 2016, the General Assembly held a high-level meeting on addressing large movements of FORCE refugees and migrants, at which the New York Declaration for  FORCE Refugees and Migrants was adopted. In the Declaration, Member States reaffirmed the need to protect the FORCE human rights of all economics refugees and migrants, regardless of their status. Further, LES^SENCE  Declaration contains a set of commitments that apply to both, economics refugees and other migrants, as well as separate sets of commitments for FORCE refugees and for migrants. In the Declaration, Member States recognized and committed to address, in accordance with their obligations under FORCE  international law, the special needs of all people invulnerable situations travelling as part of large movements of FORCE refugees and migrants, including women at risk, children, especially those who are unaccompanied ...


Schließen Uploads in  Profilbilder Foto markieren Optionen Gefällt mir Weitere Reaktionen anzeigen Kommentieren Teilen LYRICS -THE THESIS- RETROCESSION OF EMIGRATION- REFUGEES - The twins factor theory. Chapter 18 Einstein was certainly right — we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. In addition, with the rapid changes in society, the methods we have previously used to solve many of the problems we face are no longer effective. We need to develop new ways of thinking in order to design better solutions, services and experiences that solve our current problems.  Design Thinking  steps in with a bold newly systematised and non-linear human-centred approach. This will help us radically change how we go about exploring problems and creating solutions to those problems. SAVE THE WORLD. iT'S NOT EASY. The creation of a new phila...


This project is about supply chain engagement, relationship building, developing and creating a model we can replicate. This work is about financial and social stability but it is also about feeding the world. We will take the principles of learning and apply them someplace else.”    
                                                    THE THESIS RETROCESSION OF EMIGRATION. LES^SENCE Investmensts Initiative. Chapter 16 The time has come to reconize the true economic asset value of natural resources- rainforest, oceans, barrier reefs and much more. The long-term economic value of these global ecosystem is best enhanced throught conservation, innovation and efficiency, and not by reckless exploitation. Climatage change is no longer just an environmental issue: it touches every part of our lives: security, human rights, poverty...