
Es werden Posts vom Mai, 2018 angezeigt.


The size of your dreams must always exceed your current  capacity to achieve them. If your dreams do not scare you, they  are not big enough.  History of Trade basic principles   Trade among European and African precolonial nations developed relatively recently in the economic history of the African continent. Prior to the European voyages of exploration  in the fifteenth century, African rulers and merchants had established trade links  with the Mediterranean world, western Asia, and the Indian Ocean region. Within the continent itself, local exchanges among adjacent peoples fit into a greater framework of long-range trade.The merchants from Britain, France, Portugal , and the Netherlands who began trading along the Atlantic coast of Africa therefore encountered a well-established trading population regulated by savvy and experienced local rulers. European companies quickly developed mercantile ties with these indigenous powers and erected fortified “factorie


        R.C.D Ask anyone in the Democratic Republic of Congo what they have in their wallets, and you will most likely get the same answer: Congolese francs, and U.S. dollars. "It's not normal. It's not normal!" says Arsene Ntambuka with a resigned laugh. Ntambuka is regional head of TMB, one of the major banks here. The U.S. dollar is one of the many scars Congo bears from the two wars and prolonged guerilla conflict that has stayed with the country since Rwanda's genocide spilled over the border in the mid '90s. Congo's own currency, the franc, fell apart as the country was plunged into chaos 20 years ago. "We had hyperinflation in the Congo, running at thousands of percent," recalls Mwanza Singoma, head of the the chamber of commerce for the North Kivu province. Inflation got so bad, groceries would double in price every 25 days.The government decided it had to let in the dollar. "The only haven that companies had was to operate in fore


                    Schließen Titelbilder 1 von 25 Foto markieren Optionen Gefällt mir Weitere Reaktionen anzeigen Kommentieren Teilen FORCE 7F MUSIC FORCE 7F HISTORY CAMPAIGN one day | one pic | one message. Abstract Intelligence and emotions differentiate humans from animals. Emotion is part of a persons behaviour and certain feelings can affect his/her performance, emotions can even prevent a person from producing an intelligent outcome. Therefore, when a computer aims to emulate human behaviour, not only should this computer think and reason, but it should also be able to show emotions. This paper presents a review of recent research that shows the importance of the emotions in human intelligence. This paper also presents the research that has been carried out into the incorporation of emotions to intelligent systems, how a computer can show affections and how to create intelligent agents th


   FORCE INVESTMENTS A Platform to Support Responsible Sourcing, Peacebuilding, and Community Development Abstract LES^SENCE swiss sustainable group is a platform that supports companies, civil society organizations, and governments working together to responsibly source minerals from regions experiencing conflict where market access is limited by opaque supply chains.  CHALLENGE Responsible sourcing from conflict-prone regions is challenging, particularly for downstream companies and stakeholders. Yet in many regions responsible development is an essential part of a post-conflict transition strategy. Differentiation of conflict-free commodities from these regions typically requires proactive and collaborative supply chain interventions that align downstream companies’ needs for compliance and risk management with regional stakeholders’ needs for development. While government regulations can enhance supply chain transparency, a purely regulatory response can lead to unint


FORCE 7F LOVE FORCE 7F HISTORY CAMPAIGN one day | one pic | one message. A letter from Albert Einstein to his daughter: about The Universal Force which is LOVE. ”When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world. I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below. There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. This universal force is LOVE. When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force. Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted


The value proposition should decide the factor of free licensing for the benefit of society. Planet earth has suddenly become much more enequal. The resources we develop could help them to revendicate a new social economic system for the support of minorities. The challange is to develop a system that is responsive to the needs of ordinary citizens, including the poor, and that promotes development. The electoral and legislative branches must be strong, people must have acces to justice and public administration and governments must deliver basic services to all those in need. Fairness, equity and justice are essential. They promote peace, protect human rights and sustain progress for all. The Real Definition of a Unique Selling Proposition A unique selling proposition is what your business stands for. It’s what sets your business apart from others because of what your business makes a stand about. Instead of attempting to be known for everything, businesses with a unique selling