REFUGEES - The twins factor theory.
Chapter 18
Einstein was certainly right — we can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. In addition, with the rapid changes in society, the methods we have previously used to solve many of the problems we face are no longer effective. We need to develop new ways of thinking in order to design better solutions, services and experiences that solve our current problems. Design Thinking steps in with a bold newly systematised and non-linear human-centred approach. This will help us radically change how we go about exploring problems and creating solutions to those problems.
SAVE THE WORLD. iT'S NOT EASY. The creation of a new philanthropic revolutionary business model will be the most visible integration to transport the new economical giving face decisions in to our transparent foundation model concept.
Funding the new Strategies
Human beings have a destiny on this earth to live together in peace. This beautiful possibility may not be inevitable, but with committed action applied with wisdom it is achievable in our time.
Philanthropy involves charitable giving to human causes on a large scale. Philanthropy must be more than just a charitable donation. It is an effort an individual or organization undertakes based on an altruistic desire to improve human welfare. Wealthy individuals sometimes establish foundations to facilitate their philanthropic efforts.
GHETTO BEATS aspires to be the number one association for advisors in philanthropic planning.
Design Thinking is best suited to addressing problems where multiple spheres collide, at the intersection of business and society, logic and emotion, rational and creative, human needs and economic demands and between systems and individuals. We would most likely not require Design Thinking to tackle tame problems — that is, problems that are simple and that have fixed and known solutions — unless we were seeking a novel or innovative means to solving the problem with a different desired goal than the typical available solutions.
Design Thinking works best where we need to make human sense of things, approaching challenges in ways that best suit human needs regardless of the scale or authority of the challenge. A conformist, controlled, technical or linear approach is no longer able to grapple with the newly complex and sensitive needs of modern society.
It starts with an intention, a desire, a need or yearning towards a better situation or state. We have no way of knowing whether this is a mere dream or a practical and viable path to take. Design Thinking gives us the tools to explore What Could Be.
Angel Bashile needs your help in restoring FORCE support for democracy in Congo - Zaire. Our work amplifies voices calling for freedom and empowers human rights defenders and civic activist to advance democratic change. Please support our mission by making a gift today.
SAVE THE WORLD. iT'S NOT EASY. The creation of a new philanthropic revolutionary business model will be the most visible integration to transport the new economical giving face decisions in to our transparent foundation model concept.
We will build a better world no just by formulating well-considered policies or reforming institutions
but rather by renewing our value system to integrate a true individuelle and collective approach to our common future. Welcome to a world of possibilities but also a world of disorder with financial, social and environmental crises that have left their mark, globally and nacionally on organizations and individuals this world of disorder its giving rise to new needs and new need require new solutions.
We dont know exactly what the future will look like but everywhere there are glimpses of a new, emerging economic world order which builds on sustainable development and a blen of social and financial values and this is what this thesis is all about. It is a Thesis about us and about business possibilities. It is about the internal and external dimensions of change shaping our lives in new ways and creating a new way of capitalism. It is about the challange and new rules that are pavin the way for business unusual. And its about the opportunities and new solutions that are making it possible for us to solve some of society's critical problems. It is about new ways of innovations that are bringing humanist and economics. And it is about the new Kids generation pioneers that are paving the way the social business innovations of our time.
The Ghetto Beats Foundation is based on the need to bring all the key relationships in our lives into balance: intuitive and rational, masculine and feminine inner and outer, personal and global. It aims at bridging differences, connecting people, celebreting diversity. harmonising efforts and looking for higher common ground.
Funding the new Strategies
Angel Bashile presented a Thesis Focused in the economical REFUGEES development solutions with the logical thinking that a new economy business integration model cannot rely on the same organizational forms as the old REFUGEES stratregies economy model. Ghetto Beats The foundation is presentig a revolucionary Investment methode in for-profit and no-profit programs to developt any single community culture starting from the botton that human bean is a value composition representig a value proposition.
Sustainable business sucess trough social innovation and social enterpreneurship.
Sustainable business sucess trough social innovation and social enterpreneurship.
Around 16$ billion a year is given away by corporate foundations, mostly in America. Sadly, most corporate foundations are unfocused often handing out money at the whim of the chief executive, who may use gifts to oil the wheels of a business relationship or favour his or her own pet cause. According to Charles Moore of the Committee Encouranging Corporate Philanthropy, what companies should be doing is forming a philanthropic strategy that is " aligned with their for-profit
strategy. This is exactly what we believes.
The international development community, donors NGO,s and foundations created by rich people are stuffed full of issue experst who don't know how to solve problems or produce scaleable solutions, says Shell Foundation ex-director Kurt Hoffman. "The Largely lack the tools. drivers, and efficiency incentives that business uses to solve problems in route to making a profit"
Ghetto Beats more than just a simple foundation.
The Ghetto Beats Foundation attemps to go beyond both the PR-focused corporate social responsability of many companies, which delivers little in social impact, and also the well-intentioned chariratable approaches that never reach any scale because they are not commercially viable. Launched in 2018 with an initial endowment of ..., the foundation is committed to finding business-based solutions to poverty, not just becuase it thikns this is the best way of helping the poor but because it thinks it is the best way for a corporation to help poor commuinities says Bashile Initiator from Foundation the old crop of NGOs and donors, and the new generation of guilty artist and rich offspring of rich people, have only money-the least value social-change asset-to bring to the table. They have no business acumen at all and worry about solving the ego-assuaging visible consequences of poverty rather than tackling its causes.
Ghetto Beats Foundation's biggest succes will be the creation of a investment fund for small- medium and bigg-size enterprises in Africa Targeting with low-risk pro-poor companies that cannot get funding elsewhere. So far so familiar, but what is different about the Ghettro Beats Foundation approach is that it will convert a succesful pilot into a commercially viable investment vehicle.
"Essentially we have created a new pro-poor investment "asset class" an proven it can deliver commercial returns. For us getting involved in issues like poverty, water scarcy and the effect to climate change, energy, education, sport, arts, music, digitalization, Fashion Lifestyle & Food populataion is vital to staying competitive in the next decades. Ceo Used to frame thoughts like
these in the context of moral responsability but know is also about growht and innovation in the future its will be the only way to make philantropic business development, unliver simple regards the devoloping world as its laboratory. So to sing up the principale and inclusive growht is not only
blurring the borders between commercial activity and social value creation by bringing the world's
poorest people into the global economy. It is also conveying new logics where public aid is transforming into privat enterprise and small is turned into the big. The poor are rich in resource and
knowledge, and consumers, suppliers and distributors are turned into business partners and corporate
social responsability is turned into corporate social innovation. It is a new way out of poverty a new
way to make business and it is giving the therm developig countries a whole new meaning.
Social innovations
Ghetto Beats working definition of social innovation adopted in the framework of the Forum on Social Innovations was that it "can concern conceptual, process or product change, organisational change and changes in financing, and can deal with new relationships with stakeholders and territories”.
"Ghetto Beats Social innovation" seeks new answers to social problems by:
Identifying and delivering new services that improve the quality of life of individuals and communities.
Identifying and implementing new labour market integration processes, new competencies, new jobs, and new forms of participation, as diverse elements that each contribute to improving the position of individuals in the workforce.
Ghetto Beats Social innovations can therefore be seen as dealing with the welfare of individuals and communities, both as consumers and producers. The elements of this welfare are linked with their quality of life and activity. Wherever social innovations appear, they always bring about new references or processes.
Ghetto Beats Social innovation deals with improving the welfare of individuals and community through employment, consumption or participation, its expressed purpose being therefore to provide solutions for individual and community problems.
A movement call Ghetto Beats
Ghetto Beats Global Movement for Peace stands for a world where human beings resolve our differences without violence and use our ingenuity and resources to create an inspiring, transformed reality on planet earth.
Ghetto Beats Global Movement envisions a world in which people of all nations, religions and tribes coexist peacefully and work together to effectively address the many urgent needs of humanity, enjoying prosperity and warm relationships.
The mission of the Ghetto Beats Global Movement for Peace is to make our vision a reality by inspiring people to find peace within themselves, build positive relationships in our communities, and inspire changes on a global scale. Working locally and with international partners, we will identify, advocate for, and implement policies that move us away from violence and intolerance and toward peace and understanding.

Ghetto Beats Global Compact
Ghetto Beats Corporate Foundation sustainability starts as a company’s value system and a principles-based approach to generate business. This means operating in ways that, at a minimum, meet fundamental responsibilities in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Responsible businesses enact the same values and principles wherever they have a presence, and know that good practices in one area do not offset harm in another. By incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact into strategies, policies and procedures, and establishing a culture of integrity, companies are not only upholding their basic responsibilities to people and planet, but also setting the stage for long-term success.
The Ten Principles of the Ghetto Beats Global Compact are derived from: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.
Human Rights
Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses Labour.
Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.
Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour.
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
We think the power of message on the music scene will save the world, “If we work hard, music can save the world.” , we also believed and lived for the purpose that music should save the world. But how?
Certainly the power of music has done little to prevent wars, crime, hatred, and destruction in the last two thousand years. Perhaps many great men and women have been inspired by uplifting, transcendent music. Swaying and influencing the emotions of the masses can be more easily done when reinforced by patriotic or religious sounds. Without question, music has power—but in what way can music save the world?
. We want to believe that music, as the language of the soul, might enable mankind to transcend the mundane and rise above its petty desires, conflicts, and quarrels. It seems that such effects have yet to be seen on a grand scale. And yet, perhaps music will help us now, at a time when we face a new wave of ideas about what children should learn and how they should learn it. Many people feel that we are facing a crisis, or many crises in education, and that the future of our country and perhaps of our world may depend on our ability to solve these crises in this decade.
What crises? Are we not at the height of intellectual and scientific achievement? Do we not have the highest quality of life in all of recorded history? How would all this be possible if there were real crises in education? Let us not forget that today we are reaping the benefits of our grandparents’ and great grandparents’ efforts to build this SPACES on a strong moral and ethical foundation. History buffs now discuss parallels between America today and the fall of the Roman Empire. Our collective moral and ethical standard is quickly taking back seat to our need to support “politically correct” positions and heel “theoretically accurate” pedagogical and philosophical ideas.
The reasons for these crises are diverse, complex, and numerous. Equally complex are the solutions to these problems. Where does music fit in? What power is there in music to effect change in educational philosophy and practice? Why do musicians, music educators, musically literate parents, and music lovers all have a responsibility to challenge these complex crises in the field of education?
"All people who love art should burn with the obligation to save the world"Ghetto Beats make it possible just by sharing the message “GHETTO BEATS “
Philanthropy involves charitable giving to human causes on a large scale. Philanthropy must be more than just a charitable donation. It is an effort an individual or organization undertakes based on an altruistic desire to improve human welfare. Wealthy individuals sometimes establish foundations to facilitate their philanthropic efforts.
Billionaire Microsoft mogul Bill Gates, along with his wife, Melinda, established the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to support global development and global health programs. Another example is the Ford Foundation, established by the son of Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford. The foundation focuses on strengthening democracy, improving economic opportunity and advancing education.
Philanthropy dates back to Greek philosopher Plato in 347 B.C. His will instructed his nephew to use the proceeds of the family farm to fund the academy that Plato founded. The money helped students and faculty keep the academy running.
Philanthropy statistics in 2014 point to record giving by individuals and corporations. Americans gave more than $358.8 billion to charities in 2014, an increase of 7.1% over the previous year. Corporations gave $17.7 billion to charities in 2014, an increase of 13.7% from 2013. Individuals gave $258 billion to nonprofit groups.
As much as 32% of charitable donations, or $114.9 billion, in 2014 went to religious organizations. Most of the donations to religious groups went to local places of worship. Around $54.6 billion, or 15%, went to educational groups. Coming in third were human services groups, which reaped $42.1 billion worth of windfalls in that year.
GHETTO BEATS will be a network of diverse professional advisors who are devoted to mastering and promoting the principles and practices of individuals-centered planning.
GHETTO BEATS aspires to be the number one association for advisors in philanthropic planning.
Our Mission
To inspire and educate advisors, helping them make philanthropic planning with their clients an integral part of their practice
To create a unique network of support through collegial relationships among an intentionally diverse spectrum of professionals attracted to membership in our organization
To promote the highest ethical standards in philanthropic planning
Thanks to the SAPs, PRSPs and complementary policies, Africa became the only continent to see a massive increase in poverty by the end of the 20th century and during the 15 years of the Millennium Development Goals. Nearly half the continent’s population now lives in poverty.
To create a unique network of support through collegial relationships among an intentionally diverse spectrum of professionals attracted to membership in our organization
To promote the highest ethical standards in philanthropic planning
Our Name
Our name reflects our global vision of serving professional advisors. Inspiring them, educating them, and helping them to integrate philanthropy into their practices. They in turn inspire and empower their clients to use their resources to transform communities around the world.
What makes Ghetto Beats in Philanthropy different from other not-for-profit associations? Ghetto Beats is not affiliated with any for-profit company nor is Ghetto Beats part of a charitable agency or foundation. Independence is Ghetto Beats strongest asset. It allows Ghetto Beats to work and act independently for the good of the members who are, on the most part, independent in their own right. Ghetto Beats is made up of client focused philanthropic professionals who wish to give independent unbiased advice to donors and clients that will enable them to connect their money to their meaning and transform their own communities through inspired giving.
Our Promise
Ghetto Beats is passionate about the life-changing power of philanthropy and its vital role in our world today. Transforming communities through inspired giving, defines our purpose.
- We promote & encourage:
- an environment that honors the aspirations of all human beings
- the responsible and compassionate use of wealth through philanthropic giving
- ethical and professional conduct through collaboration, teamwork & consensus
- advisors educating & motivating donors to achieve clarity of their philanthropic vision
- answering the questions "How much is enough?” and "Wealth for what purpose?”
- donors & advisors to leave the world better than they found it
- Using these guiding principles, we envision a world in which (millions of) families connect their wealth to their meaning and transform communities through inspired giving.
What are economic refugees?
An economic refugee is a person whose economic prospects have been devastated and seeks to escape oppressive poverty either here in the United States or across the globe. Because of global socio economic injustice issues, many of these economic refugees tend to be immigrants from third world countries. In such a case, having tried everything else to fight for change in the living conditions of their original countries, the only option that many immigrants or economic refugees, find themselves with is to ensure the survival and well-being of their families and thus join or take refuge in the United States’ job market. Because of recent Wall Street and other stock exchange meltdowns due to outrageous corporate greed, the term could very well be applicable to Americans citizens living in the United States and other citizens of the world still reeling from personal economic devastations.
The use of the term “economic refugee” can be tracked as far back to the late 1990’s and it is sometimes used in place of other terms (such as “illegal immigrant”, “undocumented immigrant”, “illegal alien”, etc.) when discussing immigration policy. It is not clear who originally coined the term “economic refugee”.
Poor Africa
Thanks to the SAPs, PRSPs and complementary policies, Africa became the only continent to see a massive increase in poverty by the end of the 20th century and during the 15 years of the Millennium Development Goals. Nearly half the continent’s population now lives in poverty.
According to the World Bank’s Poverty in Rising Africa, the number of Africans in extreme poverty increased by more than 100 million between 1990 and 2012 to about 330 million. It projects that “the world’s extreme poor will be increasingly concentrated in Africa”.
The continent has also been experiencing rising economic inequality, with higher inequality than in the rest of the developing world, even overtaking Latin America. National Gini coefficients – the most common measure of inequality – average around 0.45 for the continent, rising above 0.60 in some countries, and increasing in recent years.
While the continent is experiencing a ‘youth bulge’, with more young people (aged 15-24) in its population, it has failed to generate sufficient decent jobs. South Africa, the most developed economy in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), has a youth unemployment rate of 54%.
The real situation could be even worse. Discouraged youth, unable to find decent jobs, drop out of the labour force, and consequently, are simply not counted.
Surviving in Africa
Most poor people simply cannot afford to remain unemployed in the absence of a decent social protection system. To survive, they have to accept whatever is available. Hence, Africa’s ‘working poor’ and underemployment ratios are much higher. In Ghana, for example, the official unemployment rate is 5.2%, while the underemployment rate is 47.0%!
Annual growth rates have often exceeded 5% in many African countries in the new century. SAP and PRSP advocates were quick to claim credit for the end of Africa’s ‘lost quarter century’, arguing that their harsh policy prescriptions were finally bearing fruit. After the commodity price collapse since 2014, the proponents have gone quiet.
With trade liberalization and consequently, greater specialization, many African countries are now even more dependent on fewer export commodities. The top five exports of SSA are all non-renewable natural resources, accounting for 60% of exports in 2013.
The linkages of extractive activities with the rest of national economies are now lower than ever. Thus, despite impressive economic growth rates, the nature of structural change in many African economies have made them more vulnerable to external shocks.

- Redefining value
- Human-centred innovation
- Quality of life
- Problems affecting diverse groups of people
- Involves multiple systems
- Shifting markets and behaviours
- Coping with rapid social or market changes
- Issues relating to corporate culture
- Issues relating to new technology
- Re-inventing business models
- Addressing rapid changes in society
- Complex unsolved societal challenges
- Scenarios involving multidisciplinary teams
- Entrepreneurial initiatives
- Educational advances
- Medical breakthroughs
- Inspiration is needed
- Problems that data can't solve
Design Thinking Help us Solve and analyse the right solutions
One of the first questions people ask when hearing about Design Thinking is, "What is Design Thinking best used for?" Design Thinking is suited to addressing a wide range of challenges and is best used for bringing about innovation within the following contexts.
Design Thinking is best suited to addressing problems where multiple spheres collide, at the intersection of business and society, logic and emotion, rational and creative, human needs and economic demands and between systems and individuals. We would most likely not require Design Thinking to tackle tame problems — that is, problems that are simple and that have fixed and known solutions — unless we were seeking a novel or innovative means to solving the problem with a different desired goal than the typical available solutions.
It's About Human-Centred Innovation
Design Thinking works best where we need to make human sense of things, approaching challenges in ways that best suit human needs regardless of the scale or authority of the challenge. A conformist, controlled, technical or linear approach is no longer able to grapple with the newly complex and sensitive needs of modern society.
It starts with an intention, a desire, a need or yearning towards a better situation or state. We have no way of knowing whether this is a mere dream or a practical and viable path to take. Design Thinking gives us the tools to explore What Could Be.
GHETTO BEATS Focus on Humans, Not Users
Innovative solutions need to be found that can keep up with massive disruptions affecting Human Resources, Energy, Sustainability, Education, Economic Constraints, Political Instability—these large, systemic and complex problems with capital letters—and a whole plethora of other challenges which existing strategic and management practices and processes are unable to pick apart.
The challenges organisations and countries face today are much more complex and tricky than the ones we faced a few decades ago. Part of the reason is globalisation, which brought together different agents across the globe into an interconnected web of systems that affect one another. To solve these new, complex problems, Ghetto Beats Design Thinking steps in with a bold and newly systematised, non-linear human-centred approach. Design Thinking allows us to adopt a human-centred perspective in creating innovative solutions while also integrating logic and research. In order to embrace Design Thinking and innovation, we need to ensure that we have the right mindsets, collaborative teams, and conducive environments. When we align our mindsets, skills and environments, we are able to create innovations that allow us to survive the disruptions we might face in the near future. Keep in mind a deep desire to create a better situation for the world around us, and start creating a better world for yourself and the world.
In this thesis, we will follow the discourse on the role of radio and TV in the life of ethnic minorities in AFRICA.
In this thesis, we will follow the discourse on the role of radio and TV in the life of ethnic minorities in AFRICA.
However, roles of radio and TV in the life of ethnic minorities in AFRICA are
obviously increasing quickly and are displayed more and more effectively. I focused on
the two main roles of radio and TV as educational instruments and as instruments for
assisting minorities in preserving their identity, highlighting their effects in preserving
minority languages and cultures.
Propaganda on radio and TV have also proven their impact on minorities when that
propagandas make minorities more conscious of the necessity of proper healthcare at
hospitals and clinics instead of believing in magical remedies by wizards. Thanks to radio
and TV programs that guide people towards new methods of cultivation and husbandry,
minority people change their traditional farming ways to have greater productiveness for
their harvests and husbandry. As a result, minority people have improved their income
and living standards. Facing new trends from outside and threats of cultural erosion when
they go to integrate into the ethnically mixed society, the traditional cultural preservation
of minorities has been well supported by radio and TV as instruments to introduce and
maintain their traditional values. Thanks to radio and TV more and more non-minority
people know and understand better the situation of minorities. Radio and TV also help
minorities come closer to people living outside their communities.

Proposal - THE VIADUCT : Ultimate solution for environmental refugees.
Traditionally we often talked about refugees caused by either political or economical reason. However we should pay much more attention to so called refugees caused by natural disasters nowadays, for example ITALY is heavily damaged by the Great cross the Border accions between Africa countries and Europe Acces Earthquake, furthermore the number of these types of refugees have been increasing internationally.
In addition, from the latest experience, we should think about the necessity of following supports for the refugees;
(a) Urgent support
Just after a huge disaster occurrence, altering living places and resources for refugees have to be prepared as soon as possible, because their large demand causes many frictions around their surrounding area.
(b) Long term support
During the recovering term after a huge disaster, It is quite important to carry out an independence support for refugees such as educations or job trainings to motivate themselves to stand up for the future.
Generally, most of disaster supports have been done in urgent meaning (a) in spite of the necessity of long term support (b). Therefore it should be strongly recommended to introduce the following solution for the sake of them:
Building up a VIADUCT for disaster
The necessity of emergency shelters for victims was found at the Great Earthquake, however the difficulties of realization under continuing large aftershocks or tsunami rubbles were also found. Sea and soil pollution in Fukushima are more exclusive for shelters.
Even in this pessimistic situation, a solution can be found on the sea and o the nature surface by using a large floating structure called mega float or a sustainable containers as home solutions, a state of the art in Japan. A mega float has been already put to practical use by performing various kinds of tests including its endurance and the influence on environment has been also investigated by environmental assessment. The manufacturing cost will be much lower than land reclaiming or town redevelopment. Moreover, it can be towed to any coasts or coves through the oceans. This means that a mega float will become an ultimate solution for environmental refugees in the world.
By forming an artificial island with mega float, living place for disaster victims will be provided for long enough to complete their educations and job trainings.
2. Management of environmental refugees
An international monitoring organization of environmental refugees will be founded. In this context, environmental refugees mean displaced persons caused by natural disasters such as earthquake, Tsunami and so on. This international monitoring organization will be managed by collaborated framework of International Human Development Center For Environmental Refugees (temporary) managed by UHU-EHS*1, UNHCR*2, OHCHR*3, and OCHA*4.
*1: United Nations University institute for Environment and Human Security
*2: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
*3: Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
*4: Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
3. Preparing and executing a human development plan for environmental refugees
In order to make refugees achieve their independence, a human development plan including education or job training will be prepared and executed. Through this action, we can expect refugees to be welcomed by host nations, and finally to get sufficiently skilled during the life in an "artificial island for refugees".
- National or regional governance:
Designating a settlement for refugees and protecting their human rights by law.
- Educational facilities:
In addition to basic education or job training, knowledge of the disaster will be used as one of education materials to recover refugees' mind and to motivate them to study for their independence.
- Private enterprises:
Performing a long term support and training for earthquake disaster orphan with utilizing activities of personnel training service companies.
Small scale interventions have become a popular way to enhance public life in cities. How do they influence our feelings and behaviour? This question inspired GHETTO BEATS to create an experiment in Palermo and Africa sahara to measure the effect that RETURN OF EMIGRATION from migration countries should be possible from Italy to Africa . In particular, the experiment sought to understand how urban design influences people’s sense of trust in strangers, their feelings of happiness and their sense of belonging. Participants were led to three types of settings that most city-dwellers pass on a daily basis – a residential laneway, an intersection and a manicured green space.
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