
Essay & The Veto Race.

FORCE4INVESTMENTS Wir haben die Idee unter der Leitung von essay, eine Eventtournee an allen unseren «Magic Places» in der Schweiz und im ausland durchzuführen und dabei die Message «back to nature with actitud & style» zu vermitteln. CONTENS - Meet Up  {7'essences improvement space } - Vernissage, arts visual performance {Force4africa} - Fundraising Dinner {The Charter} - Show, Live Concert, DJs {by Ghetto Beats} - Fashion Brand {FORCE } - Healhty Food & Drinks {by les^sence newcomer} - Sport Content {The Veto Race Marseille } . Film Documentary {Adventure To Dress} Wir möchten unsere virtuelle Community in die reale Welt manifestieren. Und so eine nachhaltige Förderung von Kunst, Musik, Sport, Politic und Kultur aufbauen. Neben unseren «Magic Places», die unsere Besucher faszinieren werden, präsentieren wir Techniken und Tools, die allen interessierten nachhaltig Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden bis ins hoh...


THE LEGACY Thirty years ago, following the lead of Harry Belafonte, artists from the music industry came together and used their voices to try to make a difference. With the musical talents of Producer Quincy Jones taking the lead, Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, along with more than 40 other artists, embarked on the challenge to inspire people worldwide to use their collective power to make the world a better place. Their expectations were bold. Yet, exhilarated by the need for action, their combined vision and passion quickly overcame any hesitation. The vision and tenacity transformed into a call to action for millions. The energy quickly spread from Los Angeles to every part of the world. People speaking different languages and living in different cultures became energized and inspired, and a wave of action moved around the globe. They could not have known that, 33 years later, their actions would have helped inspire change in the world, one caring person at a t...


Throughout history, forms of art have gone through periodic abrupt changes called artistic revolutions. Movements have come to an end to be replaced by a new movement ... up and carried out into the real world, Ghetto Beats movement encourages working with new creative minds who share the same energy and passion for arts Scenes. if you are interested in being a part of our movement, please connect . we look forward to the introduction. we believe in transparency and effective ideas-simple as that. we've been around long enough to know that this business is about people and relationships as much as it is about aesthetics and style. everyone in the movement is passionate, reliable, flexible and communitive; more importantly we go to great lengths to fulfill your entire creative experience. We brings musicians, sound artists, dance artists, spoken word and visual artists together to collaboratively create immersive and experiential evenings of sound, movement, and visual a...


Looking for  socio-economical Development The British social theorist Anthony Giddens has developed a theoretical structure that explains human agency (action) in the context of social structure and integrate action and structure. In this approach, termed structuration theory, Giddens argues that human agency and social structure are not two separate concepts or constructs, but these are together produced by social action and interaction. In sociological analysis, their separation may be a result of how sociologists examine and interpret social reality, with agency and structure being two ways that social action can be studied and understood sociologically. There is a duality of structures in society – on one side there are individuals as actors in particular situations, who enter into knowledgeable activities and participate in social action and interaction in these situations. At the same time, the social world is composed of social systems and structures – these are t...