Throughout history, forms of art have gone through periodic abrupt changes called artistic revolutions. Movements have come to an end to be replaced by a new movement ... up and carried out into the real world,
We brings musicians, sound artists, dance artists, spoken word and visual artists together to collaboratively create immersive and experiential evenings of sound, movement, and visual art through a guided improvisational process. Each performance is a unique and spontaneous composition that is created by the process of consideration and response of each artist to the overall whole and concept. It truly becomes an unspoken conversation through structured improvisation. we look forward to developing new partnerships for the following projects.
The role of fine art has been to simultaneously express values of the current culture while also offering criticism, balance, or alternatives to any such values that are proving no longer useful.
So as times change, art changes. If changes were abrupt they were deemed revolutions. The best artists have predated society's changes due not to any prescience, but because sensitive perceptivity is part of their talent of seeing.
Artists who succeeded enough to portray visions that future generations could live to see, often had to navigate an often treacherous path between their own capacity to see and execute what lesser artists could not, while still appealing to powerful patrons who could finance their visions.
Dada and expressionism were two art movements which arose during war times. They arose when artists responded to the injustices of the war. They both wanted mordern art more freedom of expression.They both introduced new approaches to experimentation to art. Their works were both bold, spontaneous and shocked the artworld plus challenged the past. Among some of the dada artist's are Jean Arp perhaps the most gifted of them all, Kurt Schwitter's, and photomontagist Hannah hoch. Among the expressionist Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock one of the leader's of abstract expressionism.So as times change, art changes. If changes were abrupt they were deemed revolutions. The best artists have predated society's changes due not to any prescience, but because sensitive perceptivity is part of their talent of seeing.
Artists who succeeded enough to portray visions that future generations could live to see, often had to navigate an often treacherous path between their own capacity to see and execute what lesser artists could not, while still appealing to powerful patrons who could finance their visions.
Some critic's argue that dada work was in fact nonsense and not really a movement in art. It was later was to encounter resistance through out the world. But it did served a purpose by changelling traditional approaches to artmaking and served as a bridge to the surrealist movement. It also pushed social and political message's.
Dada arose out of the confusion, when there was a cultural revolt by artist's against what they saw as the declining state of society due to the war. In 1916 dadaism was born at the cabaret Voltare. " A centre for artistic entertainment"Among the first contributers were Hugo Ball, Rumaian painter Marcel Janco, Tristan Tzara a German writer , Richard Hulsenbeck, Jean Arp from Alsace and Hans Richter. It's proponents came from all parts of Europe and the Unitied states. The dadaists were not content to make art they wanted to affect all aspects of western civilization. They were not interested in writing books and painting pictures which a public would admire. In a uninvolved manner, rather they aimed to provoke the public into reacting to their activities. For them a negative reaction was better than a passive acceptance. As Ball,Hugo express's his view "that is humiliating age has not succedding in winning our respect".They wanted to open the way to a new art,mordern art and a new society by undermining and emposing what they saw a state cultural conventions of a decayed European civilization.
Which led the world into the conflagration of the great war. .
Dada was based on the principles of deliberate irrationality anarchy, and cynism and the rejection of the laws of beauty and social organization. They set a precedent for the unusual and bizarre images. Dada did not have any formal characteristic as other art styles it was based on common ethics of art, through various places and people, from there individual forms of expression . Dada slogans in Berlin 1919 read "Stand on the side of revolution. Open your head, leave it free for the demands of our age Dada was to be a rallying point for a abstract engergies and a tasting slingshot for the great international artistic movements.It also later characterised the work of surrealists. Dada mean't "yes yes to life". It had a very optimistic approach to art making.
Dada stood for a wholly electric freedom to experiment, it enshirned play as the highest human activity and it's main tool was chance.The two main sources of dada were spontaneity, childhood and chance.Dada was an extreme protest against the physical side of painting .It was a metaphysical attitude. It tryed to avoid being influenced by one's immediate environment, or by the past.To get away from cliche's to get free. Their desire was for a completely free, gratutions art. A great influence on the Zurich dada was futurism they were both interested in destroying the existing culture.Dada in the name of innocence created a fresh start a "clean slate".Jean Arp a dadaist who was in close contact with Picasso and Braque said " we searched for an elementary art that would, we thought, save manknid from the furious madness of theses times. and wanted a annonymous and collective art".Jean Arp jigsawed wooden reliefs poliets were like toy's simple and direct, against the mineral ambiguties open to various interations of cubism.He prosed an art of soft things, leaves, clouds, flesh, reduce to outline and then painted in fresh enamel colours.
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